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Become One of the Best in the Field


Our full-time residential graduate program is based on the cohort model and has a proven record of success. In four of the past five years 100% of our graduate students passed the national praxis exam on their first attempt. Every year 100% of our graduates are employed in the profession within one year of graduation. Why settle for anything less in a graduate program?

Residential Program Details

Student Achievement Data

Residential Graduate Program Completion Rate

Reporting period (cohort years)Number Completing on TimeNumber Completing Later than on TimeNumber not CompletingPercent completing on time
3 Year Average100%   

Residential Graduate Program Praxis Pass Rates

Reporting periodNumber Taking the ExamNumber Passed ExamPercent Passed Exam Rate
3 Year Average100%  

Note: The Praxis exam reporting period is the testing year or examination cycle, not the year of graduation for the test-takers. The data for each reporting period may include test-takers who graduated from the program within the prior three years.

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Communication Sciences and Disorders Department